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Satellite Imagery Report - generate it yourself

~ 5 min
(Article updated: 2024-07-02)
Raport zobrazowań satelitarnych

Do you need information about changes on your plot or do you want to monitor how the development of a selected area has changed over the past few months? Download the OnGeo™ Intelligence Satellite Imagery Report!  By generating the report from the comfort of your own home, you can determine the property boundaries, locate newly built structures, or obtain the best documentation for legal and inheritance proceedings.

Thanks to OnGeo™ Intelligence, anyone with internet access can easily and quickly access advanced satellite technology. What was once reserved for industry professionals is now a source of basic terrain information for all of us.

What is the OnGeo™ Intelligence Satellite Imagery Report?

The OnGeo™ Intelligence Satellite Imagery Report is a document containing intelligently selected satellite scenes, showing your land or selected area in a chronological and organized manner.

You will receive reliable information that clearly shows any changes on your property, helping you better understand or prove what has happened during the period covered by the report. The satellite images will also indicate any problem areas, such as areas affected by drought, periodic wetlands, or erosion-prone areas, and this information could be crucial in taking action to mitigate the effects of these phenomena. Keep in mind that in the era of the need for documentation of events, satellite images are the most reliable source of information.

Pic. 1. Satellite imaging of the plot with a resolution of < 1.0 m
Pic. 2. Satellite imaging of the plot with a resolution of 1.0 m - 2.0 m
Pic. 3. Satellite imaging of the plot with a resolution of 10 m

The data retrieval process takes only a few minutes, and the data you ordered will appear in your email inbox as a user-friendly PDF document, chronologically organizing the satellite scenes and presenting changes in spectral characteristics of the area. The report includes a package of data with original and enhanced satellite data. Below you will find detailed instructions on how to generate the Satellite Imagery Report.

What is the Satellite Imagery Report useful for? 

Satellite images taken at short intervals allow you to track the recent history of your land. You will not only learn how the land use has changed but also: 

  • Estimate the construction time of buildings on the land or find out when they were damaged or renovated; 
  • Check the phenomena occurring on the plot, such as crop growth or tree cutting, which is important in determining the production process on the plot; 
  • Check the boundaries of the actual use of the property, which is particularly useful when monitoring the process of property violations; 
  • Verify any damages on the selected area caused by biological or meteorological factors, such as natural disasters; Obtain evidence for the insurer in case of a legal dispute; 
  • Track changes on your agricultural land, which will allow you to detect problems with crops, such as drought damage or crop diseases, early on; 
  • Have a tool to determine the date of harvest based on a simple analysis of plant growth and changes in spectral characteristics of the cultivation area; 
  • Monitor remotely what is happening on your property, even if you are on the other side of the world; 
  • If you are a journalist, you can obtain press material documenting crisis events.

How to generate the Satellite Imagery Report?

To generate the Satellite Imagery Report, simply draw the area of interest on the map, select the desired date range for which you want to obtain satellite images, and the resolution of the images you want to order.

  1. In OnGeo™ Intelligence, you can download a series of satellite scenes within a date range of 6 months or less, for example, from 10/04/2023 to 04/04/2024. You can order satellite images related to events even several years ago
  2. After selecting the dates, you will be asked to indicate the area on the map. To do this, select "Draw Geometry" and start drawing a new geometry. End drawing the field with a double click of the mouse, then select the "Confirm" button in the lower-left corner of the map view. 
  3. Now select the resolution for the satellite image. Resolution is the dimension of the smallest indivisible element of the map expressed in terrain units. Resolution characterizes the readability of the satellite map. You have three options to choose from: 10 m, 1.0 m - 2.0 m, and < 1.0 meters.
Select the date range, area for which you want to generate satellite imagery, and the image resolution

Time intervals between successive images are about 5 days, but the images undergo initial verification, eliminating those with visible clouds or shadows. Therefore, the actual time interval between images depends on local weather conditions and statistically ranges from 5 to 30 days.  

After the payment for the Report has been made, we will send the analysis to the email address you provide. The email will contain a link to download the ordered products, including the Satellite Imagery Report and data package. The report generation process takes only a few minutes.

The included Satellite Imagery Report OnGeo™ Intelligence document can be opened and viewed on any operating system that supports the PDF format, which is sufficient for most analyses. 

However, if you want to thoroughly analyze the changes that have occurred on the plot, you can also open the original satellite data and their enhanced version using artificial intelligence methods. These data have geolocation and can be imported into GIS software (e.g. the free QGIS package) to display the specific area of the Earth's surface they represent. You can analyze these data in conjunction with other geographic data, such as property boundaries. The GIS software allows you to adjust the view scale of the data to better examine the details visible in the satellite image.

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