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Archive Satellite Imagery OnGeo Intelligence
~ 7 min
(Article updated: 2024-11-29)
OnGeo™ Intelligence Satellite Imagery Reports OnGeo™ Intelligence offers the simplest way to obtain historical satellite images. Through the platform, you can order historical satellite images from any location on Earth for any period.
Location Intelligence OnGeo
~ 5 min
(Article updated: 2024-11-29)
In the fast-paced digital age, businesses are constantly searching for innovative ways to gain a competitive advantage. One such innovation that is making a significant impact across various industries is Location Intelligence . This cutting-edge approach involves the use of geospatial data and advanced analytics to extract valuable insights, which can drive strategic decision-making , optimize operations , and enhance customer experiences .
Real-Time Satellite Imagery
~ 6 min
(Article updated: 2024-11-29)
Viewing satellite images in real-time is mainly achieved through meteorological satellites . These images, at best, show conditions from a few minutes ago and are mostly provided by geostationary meteorological satellites. Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery, which offers detailed terrain views, is available from different types of satellites. These images are usually accessible within a few to several dozen hours after being captured.
 Remote sensing indicators NDVI, NDMI, and NDWI
~ 6 min
(Article updated: 2024-11-29)
The remote sensing indicators NDVI, NDMI, and NDWI are satellite image processing techniques used to extract and condense thematic information contained in multiple image channels. They help to understand and monitor various aspects of the natural environment, including vegetation quality and quantity, land moisture, and open water presence.
Raport zobrazowań satelitarnych
~ 4 min
(Article updated: 2024-11-29)
Download the Satellite Imagery Report from OnGeo™ Intelligence. Gain the best documentation of your property.
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